
The residents of Omaha, Nebraska survived a rough winter in 2019, but their city streets weren’t so fortunate. City crews repaired over 13,000 potholes the following spring. But they evidently missed a large one that literally helped save someone’s life. An ambulance was speeding to an Omaha hospital with a heart attack victim. The man’s heart was racing at 200 beats per minute when the ambulance struck a large pothole. The jolt was so jarring that it shocked the man’s heart back into a normal rhythm. True story.

Has your life felt like you're racing down a highway with 13,000 potholes and nobody is fixing any of them? Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Do we believe it? Do we really believe we serve a God who can use a pothole to get a heart back in rhythm? Do we believe we are walking with a Savior who created all that exists out of emptiness and darkness? If so, He can handle any hole in the road in front of us today.  

Walk through life today believing your God is big enough for anything.

-Mike Schafer


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Spiritual Amnesia